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Aug 7, 2016 - I reccommend reading a guide for starting your own kingdom, and about 200+ men, maybe less if you want to gamble leaving your castle empty.
It’s been more than 4 years since Mount & Blade Warband released (or nearly 4 months if you play on Mac/Linux) and introduced the Sarranid Sultanate, the ability to create your own kingdom from your land holdings, marriage, multiplayer and much, much more. It was big jump from the original Mount & Blade that released in 2008.
Unfortunately, since then, Taleworlds Entertainment, the makers of the series, had somewhat neglected the series in favor of working on and releasing a standalone expansion of the original game, Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword in 2011, which was set in 17th century eastern Europe and introduced primitive fire arms into the mix. Thus development of the game fell onto the community and many mods have been made to either improve or alter the game entirely.
One such mod was, a mod that completely converted Mount & Blade Warband to a game set in 7th century northern Europe. Basically, the beginning of the Dark Ages. In late 2012, the mod was officially completed and the makers of the mod announced that the oft requested expansion of their mod to include the Vikings wasn’t going to happen, because they had bigger ideas and aspirations, which they couldn’t talk about. Of course, now we know this bigger idea was in fact the Mount & Blade Warband Viking Conquest DLC being made jointly by Brytenwalda and Taleworlds Entertainment. Mount & Blade Warband Viking Conquest is a massive overhaul of the original Warband.
While the Brytenwalda mod itself had added many new features, the features list of Viking Conquest is astounding. You can take a look at the. Most notable of the new features is the inclusion of naval things in general: Combat, travel, owning a boat and coastal assaults. The game is also going to incorporate the option for you to build your own refuge, a place for you, your family and your troops’ families to call home, in addition to hiring staff to maintain it.
So you've had this game and you don't feel like your playing it to it's full potential? Or you feel like the learning curve is crazy and your just not sure where to start in this huge world? Well here's an outline for your first two hours that will get you setup with some great weapons and all the tools you need to start your kingdom in Caldria. This may not be a perfect guide and I don't claim to be a master, but I've started near a hundred campaigns and conquered the entire game-world over twice. This is by far the best way I've find to get a good start.
These steps are assuming your playing on 1/4 or 1/2 damage to yourself/allies. Creating your characterIf you want an optimized character follow the backstory steps, if you want to roleplay go crazy, it's really not a big deal. Set the game to let you quit without saving. You can do iron man runs later, but if your having trouble starting you need to get the system down first. For starting Attributes pump up your strength to 12 or 15 and then put everything else in int for extra starting skills. For skills max out Iron Flesh and Power Strike.
Put 1 or two points in Prisoner Management and a whatever you have left in looting, and Training. Starting in the worldPick a Caravan to Swadia and meet the merchant, get the starting quest so he pays you and then bail.
At the town you spawn at 'Enter the arena' and see where the nearby tournaments are. Immediately leave and head for the nearest tournament and dodge any bandits on the way. If the tournaments haven't spawned yet knock out a quest with the merchant and then check back. Once at a tournament, if your comfortable with tournaments and you know you can win bet everything you have on yourself. If your not sure then just enter and do the best you can without betting. Afterwards Go to the castle and talk to all the lords and ask for quests.
Take any you want to but look for the one that asks you to collect taxes from a town or village. Check the tavern for any companions and if you can afford them hire them on.
Leaving the Starting TownIf you don't get the tax quest from the starting town then start visiting towns nearby to other quests you already have so you can complete them and on the way see if the lords there will give it to you. In general stop and ask every lord you find till you get it. As soon as you leave the starting town start picking up some requites form nearby villages. Aim to get a party size of 20ish. Fight any bandits you can find nearby with the exception of sea raiders. Capture any survivors and sell them at towns in the taverns to slavers.
Take all the gear and equip your companions or youself if it's better, if not sell it all. Do this till you get the tax quest. Always check the towns for companions and hire them if you can. Advancing in the WorldOnce you get that sweet tax quest make sure you have 10-20 guys and go collect them taxes. As soon as you do you should get anywhere from 3-8k. Take this money to the nearest town and use the majority of it to pimp yourself out.
First buy a double handed weapon, my personal favorite is the Bardiche. And then buy the most cost effective armor you can. Keep about 1k on hand. Starting the SlaughterAs soon as your finished pimping out, head north. Kill all the bandits you can on the way there and as your troops die keep replacing them with more from villages. Never buy mercs.
Mount And Blade Starting Guide
Get 10-15 guys in your party leveled up 2-3 times. Check every town you pass for companions, and cheap horses with a riding skill of 1 or 0, and if you can win them, tournaments as well. Equip your companions with horses if you find them.Once you reach the northern shore and have some of your troops lvled up a bit go nuts. Start hunting down sea raiders and taking on the smaller groups. Use their amazing armor to equip your companions and level up your troops from their XP.
Sell the ones you capture and rehire nords or swadian's to replace your fallen troops. Don't knock out the bandit nests if you find them so that they will keep spawning guys for you. Battling the Sea-raidersWhen you engage against the sea raiders there's a very specific way to handle them starting out to minimize your casualties as they are very difficult customers. Your weapon loadout at this point should be, Ranged Weapon/bolts or arrows, a double handed weapon and a shield. When the battle starts tell all your men to hold position. Place them just below the crest of a hill so as to obscure their sight line from ranged weapons. So your troops should be positioned with the top of the hill blocking them from the sea-raiders.Once you've set a position for your troops head across the map to the raiders.
Once you reach them equip your shield and start riding large circle around them to get them to waste their throwing axes. Keep an eye on your men with the map by pressing backspace and keep a closer eye on those incoming throwing axes and keep an even closer eye in front of you for rocks and trees that will make you a stationary target.
Once you get the hang of dodging the axes and if your in a map without too many obstacles start taking some shots at the raiders without shields with your crossbow. Sometimes if the raiders have bows they will lag behind and stop to shoot at you.
These can be easy pick-off targets. Just make sure never to stop riding fullspeed or things will get bad very quickly. Once the raiders run out of axes they will start running at you or ignore you and charge your men. If your horse gets low retreat to your men. Either way try to loop back to your men so that your with them just a little before the sea-raiders reach them.As soon as the raiders start to get close to your troops, basically as soon as they start climbing their side of the hill, give everyone the order to charge. The Sea Raiders will be all split up from chasing you and be climbing uphill.
Mount And Blade Warband Strategy Guide
Your troops will charge over the crest of the hill in epic fashion and should deal with them pretty easily, but you will definitely want to help, if for nothing else then that sweet XP. I always dismount for early game combat. If your mounted it's easy for them to kill your horse in combat and they may take you out before you can stand up, or if your just a little bit away from your troops you can get swarmed long before you can make it back to them. Instead, stay on the ground and use your men as meat-shields. Use your giant two handed weapon for overhead swings to kill the raiders nearly instantly. Now Your SetAfter you win the battle, equip yourself and your companions with any dope loot you find. Sell the rest and level up your troops.
Sell any captives you find and rehire nords and swadia's to replace your dead. Heal up as much as you need to in town and go get some more raiders. Keep targeting the small groups till you feel comfortable. Rinse and repeat. Try to keep your troop types to Nords and Swadia but don't sweat it too much. In ConclusionThis will get you tons of gold, will let you lvl up your troops, yourself and your companions into a small but elite force. You will get basically the best basic tier armor set for yourself and your companions along with a ton of renown.
And the only thing you sacrifice for it is one pissed off lord who didn't get his taxes back. Having a party of 20 decently leveled soldiers with a few companions will let you take the game anywhere you want to go.EDIT: Formatting Catastrophe.
Mount & Blade Warband Wiki
While I totally agree that learning is part of the fun and personally I hardly ever watch or read guides for games till after I've beat them, I could definitely see people getting turned off to this game because of the starting difficulty. Going from starting up a decent band of guys and then getting rekt by a group that seems invincible who steal everything down to your horse, so your penniless and on foot honestly could end the game for people. I mean, if you have no to very little experience with the game coming back from that seems impossible.That being said I would agree that the best way to experience this game is trial and error.
But for some people that may not be fun or they may not have the time. In that case I'd rather them read something like this to help them with the early game and get to the bigger battles and feel the full joy of the game. Once you've ridden in with your band of 20-30 guys with some other nobles into a 150vs150 pitched battle there's no going back. I don't want people to give up before they get there.:). I see your point and I agree that getting so thoroughly rekt as a new player would by sea raiders can be disconcerting but that just means they need to learn to pick battles, find easier bandits. Telling a new player how to cheese the best bandits for loot is not advice I would give to someone when learning a game, why not explain how to gradually change bandit parties? A start of cheese will lead to a lifetime of cheese.
Fuck, I got so rekt by them I avoid them now even with a full army. Good times. One thing new players need to remember for most mods (including native) is that they should never feel overpowered and take on an army that will probably demolish them. An easy way to measure they power towards the enemy is to compare the tiered units they have. An easy way to compare is always to consider that a higher tier can take 2 of the tier just bellow it. So Tier 5 can kill two tier 4 troops. Tier 4 can kill two tier 3 troops and so on.
Many times I just attacked an enemy only seeing I had more soldiers than them and my army got demolished cause he had a lot of top tier troops, which were more than mine.